Monday, June 20, 2011

Standing Out In A Crowd

Notice anything?

Here....let me show you.

Still can't see?  Okay.  Let me zoom in. :)

I am super excited about a girl, but let me tell you, shopping for one is OVERWHELMING.  I'm used to jeans, shorts & t-shirts. :)  There are so many options for this little one.  As much as I could have bought when we went shopping Saturday, I walked away with 3 things, b/c there were too many things to choose from.  Oh, how I'm loving the pink though!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Fun

The weather has finally gotten nice, so we've been able to enjoy being outside.  Deacon LOVES the outdoors.

"Helping" daddy

Pretty pumped about his new chair.

Thanks to Nat Long's fantastic idea of a cup & a bowl of water, little one was occupied for an afternoon.

Birthday surprise for daddy.

Party for daddy.

Welcome home balloons for daddy.

Blowing out the candles.

And thanks to another friend, Katie Coning, Deacon got his first pool.

He likes it just a bit. :)

bump update at 23 weeks.  Over half way....wahoo!!