Thursday, September 29, 2011

Meet Nora

We have begun our adjustment of life with two.  Thankfully, it's been easier than I thought it was going to be.  Deacon has been wonderful!  I was always one that wanted at least a 2 year age gap between our children, but God had other plans.  I'm definitely seeing the advantage of having them close together, because Deacon couldn't care less about her.  It's like she's just a new piece of furniture. :)  

Nora has been a great baby so far.  I hate to brag too soon, because you never know when the switch is going to flip, but she's been sleeping like a trooper.  

sweet, sweet baby.

Hanging out in the hospital.

We could have went home a day early, but I wanted to take advantage of being in the hospital.  I'm not like most people....I actually enjoy being in the hospital!

Flowers for Nora & I from Brent.

Ready to go home!

All packed & ready.

daddy's arms.

Peaceful baby.

Kisses from brother.
I'm feeling great & counting my blessings that labor is OVER!  Brent went back to work on Wednesday & I was a tad nervous about that, but my mom came over & helped, which made it easier.  We were out of the house by 11 today....I was wondering if I was going to be able to do that. :)  I wouldn't change a thing.  We are so thankful that she's finally here!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We are quite pleased to announce to you all the arrival of our sweet, baby girl.  Nora Kohl decided to make her appearance 11 days early on September 21st, which was just fine with her mommy!  Although the means of her arrival I would not have chosen, we are so thankful she's here, healthy & safe. 

From family of 3 to family of 4.

Taking her all in.

All chubs at 7lbs. 12 oz & 20 1/4 inches long.

thumb sucker already.

I'm not an all-natural girl when it comes to child labor & delivery.  I quite liked the effects of my epidural when Deacon was born.  I did not get that luxury this time around.  At around 3:30am, I started feeling cramp-like contractions coming every 7-10 minutes.  Finally at 5:15 I decided it was time to wake Brent up & head to the hospital.  Mom Sink came over to stay with Deacon & we walked out the door around 5:30.  As the contractions got more painful & closer together, Brent put the pedal to the metal.  I think he topped out at 95 on interstate.  I'm also wondering how many tickets we'll get for running every single red light.  We made it to the hospital with my contractions coming every 2 minutes or less.  After skipping registration, being in triage less than 5 minutes (after discovering I was between 6 & 7 cm) we made it to the delivery room.  At this point I had the feeling that my chances at receiving an epidural were very, very slim because of how far along I was.  We arrived at the hospital at 6am & a mere 42 minutes later, Nora joined our little family in person.