Monday, February 7, 2011

Am I the Only One?

Today, as I was doing a mad rush to clean up the house at 5:00, I wondered to myself.  Am I the only one who waits until the very last minute to straighten up the house before my hubby gets home?  I mean, I don't want it to look like I did "nothing" all day. :)

This is only half of the mess...

Yes, that is lunch that has not been cleaned 5:00 :)


  1. nope, you are definitely not the only one. i'm always amazed at how much i can get done starting at 4:30. :) your post made me feel soooo good!

  2. i do the same thing!
    & always think if i got that much done in 30 min. look at all the stuff i could have gotten done today! /:
    it's good to know i'm not the only one!

  3. Haha! I loved it! I get the most done then too. Nothing like a soon-to-be home hubby to light a fire under us. :)

  4. Oh man. You are SO not alone! And I love how Deac is texting away!! ;)

  5. Can't relate on this one! Hubby works right here, so he comes home for lunch and is in and out all day long...clean-up doesn't usually happen till after dinner, before bed! I laughed at the high chair familiar, why do we wait to clean it when it's dried and crusty and 10x harder to wipe up? lol!

  6. THIS is MEEEEEE! I get so lazy some days (ok...most days).

  7. No your not the only one! I thought of you yesterday as my kitchen was a total wreck and the living room wasn't much better! It's bad when you start using your table as counter space, and your hubby asks if there's anything left IN the cabinets! ;) But it's amazing how much I can get done when I look out and see him stopping at the mailbox on his way up the drive! :)
