Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Overcoming Jealousy

I wish I could say by the title of this post, that I read something in God's Word that really stuck out to me today, but I'm just suffering from crazy, green, jealousy.....of my mother & father in law.  They get to experience the Hawaiian Paradise for 2 weeks!  I do wish them well, but I do wish I was with them...and Brent too.  It is an amazing celebration of 40 years of marriage, so they deserve it.  Have I mentioned that I'm green with envy? :)  I'm just reminiscing of 5 1/2 years ago of our amazing 10 day honeymoon to the Tropical Paradise.  Someday again.  I hope.

Excuse me as I remember.
Our first glimpse of Oahu.

Nothing was like falling asleep to the sounds of the waves.

My new husband. :)

First experience at para sailing.

Boat ride to Molokini Crater.

Waikiki Beach.

Diamond Head.

Early, early morning.  Even with a 1 year old, we still struggle to be morning people.

Gift from our hotel.

Last night in paradise.

 Oh how I miss the days of dates whenever we want and vacations that don't take much preparation.  I do miss it, but then I look at our smiling son and am once again reminded of how blessed we are.  We wanted a child for 10 months before the Lord saw fit to give us one....and oh how we love him.  Thank you Lord for past memories and future ones to come.  We love you Mom & Dad.  May God bless your trip and keep you close to him as you experience the closest thing to Heaven. (in my opinion-Colista would say Grand Cayman ;) )

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well, if you forgot what I looked like in the virtual world, I'm back...only in different form.  I'm hoping blogging won't overtake my life like Facebook.  If so, it's quite possible this page will get deleted as well. :)  I'm not real sure what blogging is all about, but I've read many, and have come to the conclusion that I will not be near as thought-provoking.  So, if you've come to learn about the most, amazing theological book I just read or the 12 steps to a happy life, you're in the wrong place.  Mostly you'll probably acquire that my life is hectic & unorganized.  I usually have a messy house, but choose to enjoy it, because I know someday I'll miss the 1 year old whom messed it up.  Laundry day usually turns into 5 and sometimes I'll go 2 weeks without even making it to the grocery.  But after days or weeks like that, I'm reminded of my ever-patient husband and most importantly, my ever-patient Father.  Nothing has taught me more about the grace of God than having a child of my own.  So, when life continues to go NOT as planned, I will rejoice, because I know, this season will end all too soon.  And now, I will enjoy the craziness....and that's only life with ONE! :)

**Wait, was that thought-provoking? :)

Because I think blogs are boring with no pictures, I've added a few of Deacon's first birthday.  Yes, I said FIRST!  There are no tears.

Birthday Boy.

Lots and lots of help opening gifts.
Deacon's Birthday buddy, Tanner Long.
Deacon's 1 year pictures.
Deacon was supposed to have a guitar cake.  You can see how well that turned out....a phone call was made to Wal-Mart bakery the night before the party. :)
Sweet, sweet Cooper Mack.
He really likes his new ball.
At first he wasn't real sure about his cake, but it didn't take him very long.

Chocolate Smiles.