Friday, December 7, 2012

Rest for the Weary

The last 5 weeks have been some of the hardest I've experienced.  Without going into much detail, I've had sick kids and a sick husband (numerous times!), a husband in Germany 3 times in 2 months, and two a week trips to Cincinnati to heal our daughter of her allergies.

 All of this leads to one. weary. mama.  I've been built up & encouraged by dear sisters' in Christ who have been where I've been (and most cases have had more difficult experiences), but sometimes even that doesn't feel enough.  I've been blessed with an *amazing* mother in law who gives of her time to help with my kiddos twice a week and yet, I struggle.  I want out of this constant repetition of inadequacy and unworthiness.

Just this week I was listening to Mark Driscoll, a pastor at Mars Hill church in Washington state and something clicked.  Who is Jesus to me?  Is He my children, my husband, my friends?  Is He a "perfectly" kept home, a healthy, homemade dinner, a date with my husband?  Am I lifting them up to the same scale as Jesus? The Spirit quickly told me.  I am Jesus.  Your Savior, friend.  You are MY child.  Only I can fill the void you're feeling.  Let me go out on a limb and be real here.  Have you ever felt the Spirit speaking so clearly to you, but yet, you don't hardly believe it?  Are there times where you're just so ready to throw in the towel to everything you believe?  Sometimes it's just so hard and exhausting, but (you knew a but was coming :) )  God is so faithful.  When you're down and tired and weary, He says, "come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  He doesn't promise physical rest, but spiritual rest.  While life is hard, tiring & sometimes void of immediate results, Jesus says, "I am your rest.  Come to me."  So, while this journey that God has had me on in the last several months has been exhausting, I choose & will continue to choose, to come to Jesus, because only He is adequate and able to fill every crevice of my soul.  

*and as for physical exhaustion, maybe I should be in bed before 11:30. :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sweet girl turns *ONE*

On September 21st, we celebrated Nora's first year of life.  The last year has been some of the best & hardest all wrapped into one.  Through it all, I see how God's hand has been in it all.  Here is a recap of how we celebrated.

It amazed Brent & I that the moment she opened up her baby doll, she started kissing and loving on it.  So sweet.

We have a WINNER!

Awhile back I asked for input on what kind of stain spray you all suggested.  Well, I've found one that I LOVE.  The doctor that I've been taking Nora to (that's a whole other story) suggested in his book to use Shaklee.  Let me just say, I LOVE it!!  It is amazing how it actually gets the stains out. :)  One stain spray I used actually put holes in the clothes.  That was very disappointing!(to say the least)  This does take a little more time, but knowing that the ingredients won't harm my children, makes it well worth the time.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Columbus Zoo

It's funny.  I've always thought that hibernation occurred in the winter.  Well, for us, it occurs in the summer & winter.  The last month has been beautiful and we are enjoying the outdoors!  Over the weekend we enjoyed a full day at the zoo.  It wasn't just the kids that were exhausted, Brent & I were so tired, but the joy on the kids faces was beyond worth it.
The petting zoo was a hit!

He had so much fun-so did I!

These statues were so much fun for the kids....almost more fun than seeing the real animals.

Girls getting her walk on...

I'm so proud of him.  He's becoming the sweet, protective big brother.  Amazing to see him blossom.

Brent & I were both a little freaked out by Deacon being so close to a bear....even with a giant glass window.

One of Deac's favorites...the "kolar" bears.

A fun picnic lunch.

Sister loved her potato chips.

Very excited to ride the carousel.

...she however was not.

This was so sweet.  A 2 month old baby monkey.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I love this little cheese ball.  He melts my heart and brings so much joy (and some occasional pain. :) )

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dayton Dragons

This summer while at a doctor's appointment, I was asked if I wanted free Dayton Dragons tickets.  I said, "sure!"  Brent couldn't go so I decided to make it a date night with Deacon.  We took Nora to my parents' and Brandt was there.  Well, I couldn't leave without asking Brandt to come...I knew him and Deacon would have so much fun.  They did. :)

The giant baseballs were a huge success.

Choo Choo

A couple of Sundays ago we decided to skip church and head south.  Only an hour south, to Lebanon, or a Day Out With Thomas.  Deacon LOVED it!  We enjoy a day together with our little family.  We decided we are fall people.  We've hardly done anything all summer, but now that the weather is getting cooler, we are never home. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Baby's {almost} ONE!-a sneak peek

Nora will be {ONE} in just a couple of weeks and tonight a dear friend, who is starting up her photography business, captured some sweet moments of our Nora.  Here is a sneak peek. 

Here is a link with a few more photos: